Filmmakers, les réalisatrices du monde entier dialoguent avec Julie Gayet


Poursuivant la démarche entreprise avec CINEAST(E)S et CINEAST(X)S (LES HOMMES), Julie Gayet et Mathieu Busson parcourent le globe à la rencontre des réalisatrices du monde entier pour recueillir leur parole.

À travers le témoignage de ces réalisatrices, de l'Inde à la Suède en passant par le Tchad, il est question de la difficulté des femmes cinéastes à s'imposer face à la misogynie. Fourmillant d'anecdotes tant amusantes qu'édifiantes, FILMMAKERS fait de l'inégalité femme/homme son cheval de bataille.

Avec la participation, par ordre d'apparition, de Deborah Ngakoutou Hama - July Jung - Jessica Hausner- Kaouther Ben Hania - Isabel Coixet -Gaya Jiji - Zoya Akhtar - Aché Coelo - Lisa Langseth - Leena Yadav - Ana Balla -Anne Le Ny Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi - Farah Khan - Joséphine B. Allasra - Justine Triet - Susan Sarrandon - Geena Davis - Naomi Kawase - Alice Rohrwacher - Léa Mysius - Aishwarya R. Danush - Agnès Varda

Le film a été primé en mai 2020 au festival Vox Feminae de Zagreb

The main festival award, i.e. the winning film of Vox Feminae Festival, went to 'FilmmakErs' by a directorial tandem consisting of Julie Gayet and Mathieu Busson. The film won the jury with its equally intimate and professional collage of confessions of women working in the film industry around the world, each with their own set of problems and challenges they faced throughout their careers. What sets the film apart from related achievements is the ease and fluidity with which it deals with the mentioned topics, with a good dose of humor and relaxation of the protagonists in front of the camera. 'FilmmakErs' at its core embodies the basic principles of the Vox Feminae Film Festival as a platform for the distribution and visibility of directorial voices that are often on the margins of mainstream festival events around the world, either because of the gender of the authors or the themes of the films. The jury awarded the prize with the hope that it will encourage the authors to further analyze and reflect on the gender gap in the film industry in future achievements. The film was shown as part of the ‘WoW - Women on Women’ thematic block.

2019 - 1H06 - France

Documentaire de Julie GAYET et Mathieu BUSSON une production originale CINE+ et TSVP